Harry’s Dive Shop

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Just the FAQs


Here are answers to many of the common questions people have about learning to scuba dive.

Scuba Is For You If:

  • You are interested in exercising both mind and body.
  • You are comfortable and enjoy being in the water.
  • You do not have cold or exercise-induced asthma.
  • You are in generally good physical condition.
  • Your ears and sinuses are clear and healthy.
  • Your heart and lungs are free of problems.
  • You like to have fun and learn new things.
  • You are not pregnant.

Myths and Misconceptions

Myth: Scuba diving is dangerous.

Fact: Everything in life entails risk. According to the National Safety Council: Injury Facts 2004 Edition, in the USA and Canada:

  • 44,800 people died in car crashes.
  • 33,100 died from household accidents.
  • 3,200 died while swimming.
  • 700 died while boating.

And, oh yes, a grand total of 88 people (out of a population of over three million certified divers) managed to perish under water. Clearly, you are better off diving than you are boating, swimming, driving — or even staying at home.

Myth: Scuba divers are prone to shark attacks.

Fact: Most animals are afraid of things they do not understand. The bubbles created by scuba equipment keep most underwater animals away — including sharks. In 2006, 31 Americans were attacked and killed by dogs. Only four succumbed to shark attack; none of them were scuba divers.

Myth: If you are claustrophobic, scuba diving is not for you.

Fact: Many who claim to be claustrophobic actually enjoy scuba diving in daylight and clear water.

Myth: Scuba diving is not a sport.

Fact: While scuba diving may not be a competitive activity, it nevertheless requires training, specialized equipment,a uniform of sorts (wetsuit), concentration, skill, teamwork (with a buddy), knowledge and practice. Therefore, scuba diving is definitely a sport — and a highly enjoyable one at that.

Your License to Dive

None of us wants a certification card any more than we want a college diploma. The promise of what we can do with that scuba certification card or with the college diploma is what motivates us to take action and walk through the door.

Now that you have taken the first step and visited our website, you are well on your way to a life-long journey into the spectacular sport of scuba diving. As individuals:

  • We want adventure.
  • We want friends.
  • Perhaps most of all, we want to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Scuba diving offers all this and more.

Harry’s Dive Shop is in the friendly business of selling the promise of adventure to amazing destinations and the sense of accomplishment of being able to proudly say that you’ve “been there and done that.”

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